Monday, January 17, 2011

Random Quotes MCR

Random Quotes MCR

Random Quotes are funny

This generation that I am part of (generation whatever name they've made up for us that we really don't care about) seems to love randomness, especially random quotes. This is really apparent when you look at things like facebook, with pieces of flair or even our walls and info about us. You listen to a group of us and we love to insert random quotes into conversations, sometimes with very little contest. In fact, in many of the groups that I've been in of people my age of my generation sometimes we make a game of guessing the random quotes that people throw out every few minutes (or more frequently than that sometimes). Yes, we just plain love random quotes.

Why random quotes

Why do we love random quotes? I don't know. But that reminds me of some hilarious random quotes I heard the other day...okay, that might have been a little silly, but that really happens in a lot of conversations that I have heard or been part of. Have I proved my point about random quotes yet. They're contagious, I'm telling you. This video of MCR random quotes (My Chemical Romance, and it's embarrassing how long it took me to figure that out, let me tell you) is even more evidence of the bizarre phenomenon that I'm talking about. Seriously. We're a cynical, jaded, suspicious generation that is crazy in love with random quotes. I have to admit, even though I am part of this generation, and in a lot of ways very typical of my generation, even I don't really understand it sometimes.

Examples of random quotes

So, since I claim that we love random quotes sometimes, maybe I should give examples of some random quotes that get really used in my small circles (and trust me, I'm not that social; they are small and few, the circles I run in). Well, I have to admit, a lot of the random quotes that we use aren't really obviously random quotes in and of themselves. Half of the time it's the tone and inflection that make the random quotes apparent from the seemingly ordinary conversation. I am having trouble thinking of a specific instance of this kind of random quotes at the moment (just give me a second, I swear it's true). Also, there are the cult classics; "you killed my father, prepare to die" "I am your father" etc. There is really very little criteria for a random quote. It doesn't even have to be from a movie, book, or person you like. It just has to strike you the right way. And if random quotes strike enough people the right way, it becomes a classic (or a piece of flair, or both). So consider yourself schooled on todays random quotes era!